Friday, March 11, 2011

The secret of growth

Commercial enterprises are the main customers for K/3ERP system one of the groups, different business enterprises and commodities, because the different types of management methods, in the supply chain business management and workflow process there are some differences, but from business logistics and cash flow of the flow way of looking, the operation of commercial enterprises are fairly standard. K/3ERP systems in commercial enterprise applications are very mature in the provision of standard commercial business processes and financial management solutions, premise, Ke Qi Ye for different types of business put forward a variety of applications with the appropriate characteristics.

Fast Growing Pains

Guangdong Telecom Guangdong Telecom equipment company is a subsidiary industry group, has been more than 50 years of operating history. Operating more than 10 varieties of more than 5000 kinds of commodities in recent class, with annual sales of over 100 million yuan.

The company late 80s from the 20th century had begun the construction of information, which have been developed and used its own software system, and has some application experience. However, the rapid development as enterprises in Guangdong of Telecommunication equipment company's decision makers to the original system has been far from Manzu company's development needs, Er with Waibu power Gaibian existing management methods through the commercial software with modern management convergence is rapid and effective method to improve the management level, set financial, logistics, distribution management software for the integrated enterprise is the business needs, the urgent needs of enterprise telecommunications equipment companies opened a prelude to the construction of the information.

By major domestic and international software companies products and services compare, K/3ERP system with its advanced management ideas, powerful, stable performance, Ying Yong customers more and Standard implementation services has won Guangdong Telecom equipment company recognition.

K/3ERP system in the selection process, the Guangdong Provincial Telecommunications equipment companies have proposed the problems and objectives to be achieved:

Solve the original system of financial, business process separation, thus enabling the integration of corporate finance and business to address duplication of data entry as a result of data inconsistencies.

Appear to improve business operations and irregular merchandise code duplication, improve coding principles, strengthen basic data management.

Through the standard management for more enterprise management information, to business leaders freed from the grass-roots management, strengthening decision-making ability of prediction and decision-making.

Infiltration through the use of the software, some new management ideas and methods to strengthen enterprise management, improve the overall management level.
Standardized business processes

According to corporate needs and the needs of the project, Kingdee offers a complete system configuration. Including the K / 3 business procurement management system, sales management system, inventory management systems, inventory accounting system, accounts receivable management system to meet the management system, cash management, payroll management system, fixed asset management system, reporting system and general ledger system above K/3ERP collaborative operation of each module the system will meet all aspects of business operations and management needs.

Kingdee in summing up the experiences of long-term basis, in accordance with the "finger six-step" for Guangdong Telecom to provide a corresponding implementation of the project solution. In the six-step implementation of the law, under the guidance of successful completion of the project the project organization, system training, system definition, data preparation, system test run stage.

The success of a project depends largely on the system, which defines the collation of business processes. How to order Guangdong Telecom equipment company's business processes, according to their characteristics and management needs of enterprises to provide corresponding solutions will directly affect the project's progress and quality. Guangdong Telecom Equipment Company is a typical commercial enterprise, the rise of the telecommunications industry as early, within the enterprise inevitably there are many relatively specific business. To deal with possible business situation, Kingdee companies and telecommunications equipment companies in Guangdong Province jointly carried out business process analysis, discussion and collate, and draw the corresponding order and implementation of business process solutions.

Straighten out the basic operations and standard business processes, standardize corporate governance

K/3ERP system based on years of research and practice has become a standard commercial enterprise business processes, from procurement to sales throughout the entire business process can be tracked and readily available at any stage of the analysis of data and reports. Through the process of finishing the business process change in the original style of the sector-based business processes to enable Guangdong Telecom equipment companies more clear and standardized business management, business operations more simple and straightforward.

Full use of K / 3 system benefits, so that "project management" business has been fully reflected

Guangdong Telecom equipment company's own software over the past restrictions on the purchase and sale of an item can not be tracked and controlled. In K/3ERP system, Kingdee provided under the issue by setting the "project repository" approach to solve the control problem of project procurement sales. Project procurement sales focus of a separate inquiry the procurement of commodities required for the project, sales and inventory, use the "Project Warehouse", just through different warehouse code that is able to distinguish between different items, check stock through a separate transceiver Details will be required for the project the procurement of goods, sales and inventory to achieve a glance, in order to effectively control and decision-making.

Direct shipments of goods tracking and management

Direct procurement of commercial transportation is a business enterprise is selling more business, in order to be tracked on the direct shipment of goods management, project implementation teams to fully analyze the enterprise business processes and management features to provide warehouse management practices on the establishment of direct transportation of commodities separate management. When the operation of each straight time of purchase sales, in the procurement system and marketing system along with targeted procurement warehousing and distribution operations out of the library, because these operations and general business operations of procurement selling the same, so not only reduces business difficult business staff, but also on the direct shipment of goods to an independent management, query the corresponding warehouse can send and receive details of goods transported on the corresponding straight track and manage operations.

Batch Management will help to improve the situation of commodity code difficult to manage

Price management is all business enterprises in general and a special kind of business, it and the customer credibility, product variety and different items directly related to management of difficult and very flexible. Before using the K/3ERP system, when commodity prices are not the same at the same time through the use of different codes to distinguish the goods, and the resulting products have the same number of different commodity code and no rules to the enterprise and systems management are with to a certain degree of difficulty.閽堝姝ら棶棰橈紝閲戣澏椤圭洰灏忕粍缁忚繃鍏呭垎鍒嗘瀽骞剁粨鍚堝疄鏂界粡楠岋紝涓哄叾鎻愪緵鍟嗗搧鎵规绠$悊鐨勬柟娉曪紝涓嶅悓浠锋牸鍟嗗搧缂栫爜鍙樺緱鏇村姞瑙勮寖鍜屽鏄撶淮鎶わ紝鍚屾椂杩樹娇鍟嗗搧鍑哄簱鎴愭湰璁$畻鏇村姞绮剧‘銆?br />



骞夸笢鐪佺數淇″櫒鏉愬叕鍙镐俊鎭儴缁忕悊 娑傛槬閿?br />
聽聽聽 绯荤粺瀹炴柦宸ヤ綔鏄竴椤瑰彂鐜伴棶棰樸?瑙e喅闂鐨勫伐浣滐紝鍦ㄥ疄鏂藉伐浣滀腑涓嶄粎鏈夎澶氭妧鏈棶棰樿瑙e喅锛屾洿閲嶈鐨勬槸杩樻湁璁稿涓嶅鏄撳彂瑙夌殑锛屽椤圭洰瀹炴柦褰卞搷鏇翠负閲嶅ぇ鐨勭鐞嗛棶棰樸?涓轰簡瑙e喅瀹炴柦杩囩▼涓嚭鐜扮殑鍚勭闂锛岄噾铦跺疄鏂介【闂拰鐢ㄦ埛鍙栧緱浜嗚壇濂界殑娌熼?锛屽湪闂鐨勫鐞嗕笂閲囩敤鍏卞悓鐮旂┒璁ㄨ鐨勬柟寮忥紝鏈?粓浣块棶棰樺緱浠ュ渾婊¤В鍐炽?

銆??涓轰簡浣块」鐩兘澶熼『鍒╁苟鎴愬姛鍦板緱浠ュ疄鏂斤紝瀹炴柦灏忕粍鍐呴儴蹇呴』鍦ㄥ疄鏂界瓥鐣ュ拰鐩稿簲鐨勫鐞嗘柟寮忎笂杈炬垚涓?嚧銆備负浜嗕娇鐢ㄦ埛娑堥櫎鏂扮郴缁熷簲鐢ㄧ殑璇В锛岄噾铦跺叕鍙搁拡瀵逛紒涓氫笉鍚屽眰闈㈢殑浜哄憳杩涜浜嗕笉鍚屽眰娆$殑鍩硅锛屽锛氬浼佷笟涓婂眰棰嗗杩涜鏈夊叧ERP鍩虹鐭ヨ瘑銆佽蒋浠跺簲鐢ㄧ殑鐩婂浠ュ強绯荤粺瀹炴柦鏂规硶杩涜绠?鐨勫煿璁紱瀵逛紒涓氬熀灞備汉鍛樿繘琛屼笟鍔¤В鍐虫柟妗堛?杞欢鎿嶄綔绛夌殑鍩硅锛岃浼佷笟鍚勫眰浜哄憳鍏呭垎璁よ瘑鍒颁负浼佷笟瑙勮寖涓氬姟娴佺▼锛屾彁渚涘噯纭?璇︾粏鐨勫悇绉嶄笟鍔℃暟鎹紝瀹氬埗鐏垫椿鐨勫彇鏁版柟娉曪紝寮哄寲浼佷笟棰勬祴涓庡喅绛栬兘鍔涙槸浼佷笟杩愮敤K/3ERP绯荤粺鏈?富瑕佺殑鐩殑銆?br />


銆??鍦ㄨ姹傜敤鎴烽?搴旀柊鐨勭鐞嗘柟寮忕殑鍚屾椂锛屽疄鏂藉伐浣滀笉鑳藉涓?懗鍦拌姹傜敤鎴疯繘琛屽叏闈㈢殑鍙橀潻锛屽洜涓轰换浣曚竴涓紒涓氶兘鏈夊叾杩愯惀鐨勬儻鎬э紝涓?棪鎯?鍜屽彉闈╀箣闂村け鍘讳簡骞宠 灏嗘湁鍙兘瀵艰嚧涓ラ噸鐨勫悗鏋溿?鍥犳鍦ㄨ椤圭洰鐨勫疄鏂借繃绋嬩腑閲戣澏瀹炴柦椤鹃棶閽堝浼佷笟鐗规畩鑰屽繀瑕佺殑涓氬姟鎻愪緵浜嗚濡傚晢涓氳繍浣滀腑鐨勯」鐩鐞嗘柟妗堛?浼佷笟搴旀敹娆剧粨绠楁柟妗堢瓑銆傚湪閫氳繃璁ㄨ鍙婂疄璺电殑楠岃瘉鍚庯紝鐢ㄦ埛鐨勭壒娈婇渶姹傚緱鍒板畬缇庣殑瑙e喅銆?br />


銆??瀹炴柦杩囩▼涓紝骞夸笢鐪佺數淇″櫒鏉愬叕鍙搁瀵煎眰缁欎簣浜嗗ぇ鍔涚殑鏀寔锛屼粠鐧惧繖涔嬩腑鎶藉嚭鏃堕棿鍏ㄧ▼鍙備笌浜嗙郴缁熺殑鍩硅锛岀粰椤圭洰瀹炴柦宸ヤ綔鎻愬嚭浜嗕竴浜涘疂璐垫剰瑙佸苟鎻愪緵浜嗚冻澶熺殑鏉′欢鍜屾潈闄愩?浼佷笟鐨勫疄鏂戒汉鍛樺湪瀹炴柦鏈熼棿濮嬬粓淇濇寔鐫?壇濂界殑宸ヤ綔婵?儏锛屾湁鏃剁敋鑷冲姞鐝姞鐐瑰湴瀹屾垚瀹炴柦浠诲姟銆?br />





鍏嬮殕鐨勮儨鍒?br />
銆??骞夸笢鐢典俊瀹炰笟闆嗗洟涓嬪睘浼佷笟骞夸笢鐢典俊鍣ㄦ潗鍏徃鏄勾閿?敭棰濊繃浜垮厓鐨勫揩閫熸垚闀挎?浼佷笟銆傞暱鏈熶互鏉ワ紝鍦ㄥ叕鍙搁瀵肩殑楂樺害閲嶈涓嬶紝鐢变俊鎭富绠¢儴闂ㄧ壍澶达紝浼佷笟鍦ㄧ鐞嗕俊鎭寲鏂归潰杩涜浜嗗娆¢噸澶у彉闈╋紝浠ラ?搴斿叕鍙稿揩閫熷彂灞曘?绠$悊鍒涙柊鍜屽競鍦虹珵浜夌殑闇?銆備粠20涓栫邯80骞翠唬鏈缓绔嬩紒涓氬唴閮ㄤ俊鎭綉缁溿?鑷鐮斿彂璐㈠姟绯荤粺寮?锛屽埌1992骞撮噰鐢ㄥ悓琛屼紒涓氬唴閮ㄥ紑鍙戠殑鐗╂祦绯荤粺骞跺皾璇曞疄鐜拌储鍔°?鐗╂祦闆嗘垚锛屽啀鍒?998骞翠笓闂ㄦ垚绔嬬數瀛愬晢鍔¢儴闂ㄦ潵鎺㈢储鍜屽紑鎷撲簰鑱旂綉涓氬姟锛屾渶鍚庤嚦2001骞?鏈堬紝缁忓鏂规瘮杈冿紝閫夋嫨閲戣澏K/3ERP锛岄噰鐢ㄥ叾璐㈠姟鍙婂晢涓氱墿娴佽В鍐虫柟妗堬紝鏈?粓瀹炵幇浜嗚鑼冨寲鐨勬祦绋嬬鐞嗐?鍏舵紨濂忎簡涓?鑹伴毦鏇叉姌浣嗗張鍗撴湁鎴愭晥銆佹偊鑰冲姩鍚殑绠$悊淇℃伅鍖栧懡杩愪氦鍝嶆洸銆?br />
銆??灏ゅ叾鍙吹鐨勬槸锛屽湪杩欎釜鎺㈢储杩囩▼涓紝浼佷笟棰嗗鍜屼俊鎭富绠¢儴闂ㄧ殑鍛樺伐锛岄?娓愯璇嗗埌椤圭洰绠$悊鍜岀瀛﹀疄鏂界殑閲嶈鎬э紝骞跺搧灏濆埌浜嗛?鎷╀竴涓鑼冦?浼樼鐨勪俊鎭寲鎴樼暐鍚堜綔浼欎即甯︽潵鐨勭绉嶅ソ澶勩?閫氳繃涓烘湡5涓鏈堢殑绉戝瀹炴柦鍜孠/3ERP涓?勾澶氱殑姝e紡杩愯锛岀數淇″櫒鏉愬叕鍙哥殑淇℃伅閮ㄥ湪鍏呭垎鎺屾彙閲戣澏鈥滈噾鎵嬫寚鍏瀹炴柦鈥濈殑鍩虹涓婏紝鎴愮珛浜嗕笓闂ㄧ殑鍐呴儴瀹炴柦灏忕粍锛岀壍澶翠负骞夸笢鐢典俊瀹炰笟闆嗗洟涓嬪睘鍏朵粬澶氬浼佷笟鐨凟RP椤圭洰杩涜浜嗕笓涓氬寲瀹炴柦锛屽苟鍙栧緱浜嗗緢澶ф垚鍔熴?鎴戜滑鍙互鎶婅繖涓?簿褰╂渚嬬О浣滃湪淇℃伅鍖栧缓璁句腑鐨勨?鍏嬮殕鐨勮儨鍒┾?锛屽嵆瀹㈡埛鍚戝巶鍟嗕富鍔ㄥ涔犲厛杩涖?绉戝鐨凟RP椤圭洰瀹炴柦鏂规硶锛屽苟涓哄繁鐢ㄣ?閫氳繃杩欑鍏嬮殕琛屼负锛屽彲浠ュ皢鍘傚晢鍜屼紒涓氫袱鑰呯殑鍚堜綔鎺ㄥ悜涓?釜鏇撮珮澧冪晫锛屽挨鍏堕?鍚堝ぇ鍨嬩紒涓氶泦鍥RP椤圭洰澶ц妯℃帹骞跨殑闇?锛屼篃鍏呭垎浣撶幇浜嗗巶鍟嗙殑鎴樼暐鐪煎厜銆傝繖涓渚嬬殑鍙︿竴渚ч潰涔熼獙璇佷簡ERP鐨勫疄鏂借繃绋嬫鏄巶鍟嗗悜浼佷笟杩涜鐭ヨ瘑浼犳挱杩囩▼杩欎竴鍛介銆?br />


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